Please see the
for a full description of all course policies. The syllabus can also be found by clicking "Syllabus" in the navigation links on the left.
Some important policies are summarized below.
Attendance is mandatory. Your grade can be lowered if you have more than two weeks of absences
(6 absences for a class that meets on MWF, 4 absences for a class that meets on TR).
Besides missing a class, the following can result in an absence:
- Using a cell phone during class.
- Sleeping in class.
- Being more than 5 minutes late to class (counts as 1/2 absence).
- Leaving class early.
- Any other activity deemed by your professor to be equivalent to not really being present in class.
Late Penalty for Homework:
It is important that you turn in homework on time so that you don't fall behind in the course.
There are new assignments each week, and it is difficult to catch up once you are behind.
To encourage you to complete homework on time, late work will be penalized as follows:
- An assignment that is up to 24 hours late will count for 75% of the score earned.
- An assignment that is more than 24 hours but less than 7 days late will count for 50% of the score earned.
- An assignment that is more than 7 days late will receive the lesser of 50% of the score earned and the lowest score
assigned to any person who turned the work in earlier.
Late assignments may also receive less detailed feedback than assignments that are turned in on time.
Makeup Policy for Exams:
If you miss an exam for any reason, you must makeup the exam at the SSC as soon as possible.
If you know ahead of time that you will miss the exam, you should inform me before the exam.
If your absence is for an excused reason:
- You must provide documentation as soon as possible (when traveling with MBU athletics, documentation is automatically provided by your team).
- You must take the exam as soon as you return to avoid a penalty.
If you know ahead of time that you will miss the exam, you should schedule your makeup exam at the SSC for the day of your return before you miss the exam.
If your absence is unexpected, schedule your makeup as soon as you know you will miss the exam.
- You can schedule your makeup exam online by emailing the SSC at if you cannot go to the SSC to schedule it in person.
- Failure to makeup the exam as soon as possible can result in your missed exam no longer being excused.
If your absence is for an unexcused reason:
- In the first week after the missed exam, your makeup exam score will be reduced by 25%.
- In the second week after the missed exam, your makeup exam score will be reduced by 50%.
There will be no makeup tests more than two weeks after a missed test (even in the case of an excused absence).
It is the student's responsibility to arrange a makeup test.