Each exam has four time options. You must sign up for an exam time at least 24 hours in advance. If you do not sign up in time for one of the first three options, you will automatically be signed up for the last option.

All exam dates for the entire class are stated in advance. Because of this, you are expected to work out your schedule accordingly and not miss any exams. Each exam allows 90 minutes (except the Final Exam, which allows 120 minutes).

The schedule form for each exam will only let you respond once. If you have already signed up for an exam and you need to change your exam time, please send me a message and I will open the form back up for you.

Exam Time Option 1 Time Option 2 Time Option 3 Time Option 4 Signup
1 5/11/21 at 6pm 5/12/21 at 7pm 5/13/21 at 11am 5/15/21 at 1pm
2 5/25/21 at 11am 5/26/21 at 7pm 5/27/21 at 6pm 5/29/21 at 1pm
3 6/05/21 at 1pm 6/07/21 at 6pm 6/08/21 at 7pm 6/09/21 at 11am
4 6/21/21 at 7pm 6/22/21 at 11am 6/23/21 at 1pm 6/23/21 at 6pm
Final 6/25/21 at 11am 6/25/21 at 6pm 6/26/21 at 9am 6/26/21 at 1pm