Information about how this class will run online only:

I will record lectures and post them here for you to watch. As this is a -credit class, I will post approximately hours of lecture videos each week. You should make a reasonable attempt to watch the lectures the way you would in a real classroom: try to block off at least an hour of time for only that purpose, put away all distractions, and fill out the notes along with the lecture video. It is strongly suggested that you watch on a computer monitor or TV instead of on a phone. Links to lecture videos can be found .

Please print the notes if you can; otherwise, follow along with blank paper and write down what you can. The most important thing is that you work the example problems with me as I work them in the video. Links to lecture notes can be found .

If you have questions, ask in the discussion thread called "Questions." The discussion thread can be found .

Homework is still turned in online. Continue to scan and upload homework. Homework due dates are pushed back to allow some flexibility, but try to follow the schedule . The old course homepage with all the homework assignments listed is .

Exams will be turned in similarly to homework: scanned and uploaded. You will have a 2 hour time window for the exam (3 hours for the Final Exam) to give ample time for you to print and scan your exam. The exam window will begin 2 hours before the exam due date and time listed on Canvas (3 hours for the Final Exam).
You will be able to access the exam at the beginning of the time window in the corresponding Exam assignment on Canvas on the assignments page (for example, to access Exam 3 you should find the assignment called "Exam 3"). You will print the exam, complete it in the time allotted, and then scan and submit it on the Exam assignment. Exams must be completed in the allotted time window. Late exams will be penalized 2 points for every 5 minutes that they are late, rounded up to the nearest 5 minutes.
If you cannot (or do not want to) print the exam, you may work the exam problems on blank paper. In that case you must include a title page with your name (and no problems) at the front of your exam and keep the problems spaced on your pages similarly to those on the real exam (problems on separate pages should remain on separate pages).
You will be allowed to use your book and notes. However, there will not be much time for looking things up during the exam. I would recommend studying for the exam as though you will not have notes.

I will measure attendance by checking whether you have watched the lectures for the week (Canvas tells me whether you've watched them and which parts you've watched) and whether you have turned in the homework. If there is an exam in a given week, turning it in will also count toward your attendance for that week.